Garden Design Services in North London

From the creative hubs of Islington, Highbury and Finsbury Park to the village life in Crouch End and Muswell Hill, we have designed and built stunning gardens across North London. As with all areas of London, the mix and styles of properties see Victorian houses sit alongside modern loft living. With such a wonderful mix of styles and age, no two gardens should be the same.

Bespoke garden design services in North London

Working daily across the city and the suburbs, our design and build team have a true appreciation of the unique urban landscape that is London. We understand that the garden design needs to be both sympathetic to the property it is connected too but that it also needs to cater for modern living.

This doesn’t mean that the interior and exterior of your home have to prescribe garden design. Far from it. Garden design should complement your home, it should be functional and practical but it can also be modern, fun, inspiring and appealing. Designed and implemented correctly, contemporary and modern garden designs will dovetail beautifully with any property.

Inspiring projects to fuel the imagination

We have an extensive portfolio that showcases past completed projects in North London and beyond:
  • Victorian gardens – this style and design of garden is most certainly beautiful and one that is in-keeping with properties of this era. Fences and walls are covered in beautiful climbing plants, with flower beds and lawns clipped in their appearance. But it wasn’t all stiff and formal as the Victorians enjoyed an increasingly exotic choice of plants.
  • Modern urban chic – city-living can be fast-paced and so designing a garden that embraces you at the end of a busy day is ideal. Modern urban garden design can be minimalist, clean and fresh, just as the team created at a property in Islington. It turned a small garden into an accessible and usable outdoor space, completed with integral seating and evergreen planting that require little in the way of maintenance.
  • Long, thin gardens – terraced housing is common as are long, thin gardens. Our North London garden design services embrace the shape and nature of your garden, working with it rather than against it. That said, we have tricks and tips for making a thin garden feel and look wider. Whatever the shape of your garden or topography, we can turn your dreams and ideas into reality.

Roof gardens – a raised garden gives the added pleasure of a panoramic rooftop view. With taller houses and properties enjoying such a beautiful vista, it makes sense to invest in a roof garden or terrace. But you want the structure to be secure and the space to be safe and accessible, therefore it makes sense to invest in our garden design services.

Book a garden design consultation

We start by discussing your ideas, teasing out exactly what you want from your outdoor space. We can great things, no matter the budget nor the size of the garden, or the size of your dreams. Get in touch.

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40 Bloomsbury Way

Lower Ground Floor

London, WC1A 2SE

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