Garden Designs

Getting your outdoor space designed allows you to fully enjoy the space and all that it can offer. We offer a truly bespoke service, working from your garden design ideas to creating a concept and mood board that will become your dream garden.

Small Garden Design

When the dimensions of your garden are bijou, the design needs to work even harder. Every centimeter needs to add something and so our small garden design specialists are on hand to do exactly that.

Not all properties are gifted acres of outdoor space. And not all small gardens are square or rectangular. Neither are they flat or all on one level.

There are many misconceptions about small garden design. For example, you may think that with compact dimensions, the space has to be ‘small’ in design and style. Or that the best design to expand its perimeter is either neutral or light colours, coupled with minimalist or bland styling.

The opposite is true, great news if your garden design ideas include details such as sculptures or a play area. A small garden will benefit from the shade of a tree, along with mature planting.

A small garden needs to have elements that pop and sizzle, whether that is in the shape of garden furniture, hard landscaping or a vibrant, bold planting scheme.

We make the most of the boundary too because when a small garden has a backdrop, the planting, hard landscaping and garden furniture stand out. In other words, the eye is drawn away from the size of the garden – if it’s small, why pretend otherwise? – and to the things that matter like the beautiful sculpture around which the design revolves or the gorgeous seating area.

Our garden design service is available across London. Whether you have a small courtyard that requires attention or a small lawned area that is waiting to be transformed to a family garden full of fun and adventures, our team have the skills and experience to make the most of every inch.

Roof Garden Design

Making the most of the rooftop view is what roof garden design should be all about. Enjoying the panorama of chimney tops and peaks, a roof terrace adds space and value to a property too. In many cases, this raised garden also affords the opportunity to make the most of outdoor space, especially if the garden is slopped or awkwardly contoured.

But you need an experienced designer to bring your roof garden concept alive. There are many aspects that need to seamlessly dovetail to bring about the reality of a wonderful rooftop space.

To begin with, there are structural considerations to bear in mind. A roof garden design can bring lofty ambitions to the space and there needs to be confidence (and evidence!) that the building and its roof are structurally sound to bear the weight and movement a garden in this space will bring.

With this structural report giving the all-clear, the next step is to consider safety and how this will work within the ideas you have for the overall look, style and finish.

The good is, is that there are plenty of options. From walls to glass balustrades, there are many options. Creating a safe backdrop to your garden, the imagination flies when it comes to planting schemes, seating areas and, possibly the most important component of a rooftop garden, soft, ambient lighting.

Designing and building roof gardens in London is part of everyday life for the team. But that doesn’t mean our designs are ‘ordinary’. Every design is bespoke and individual. Get in touch about our roof garden design service.

Family Garden Design

The family garden should be a safe space, a versatile one, a place where adventures and fun can happen. Whether that is the bounce of a trampoline or swinging from a playset, or picnics on the lawn or tea watching the sun go down.
There are, as with designs for gardens with a specific use, many fallacies that revolve around the best style and finish to a family garden. It should be flat, straight, square and ‘usable’…

We don’t think any of those things. When it comes to family garden design ideas, we push the boundaries. We know it needs to be functional, practical and safe but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun and stylish.

We start the process with your ideas, coming up with a design that suits your property, your needs and wants, and your budget. We can create solutions to problems. For example, sinking the trampoline into the lawned area so that it is not such a prominent feature of the garden (and it’s safer too!). If space is limited, add a layer of versatility with a hidden trampoline, complete with door to lower over it when it is not in use.

Of course, we can make the family garden a fantastic play hub. We consider everything so that every part of the garden offers something for everyone and all activities – from alfresco dining to lazy evenings, family parties and more.
We have hundreds of family garden design ideas, and so we can shape the perfect garden for you, your family and your budget. Get in touch to find out more or browse our extensive family garden portfolio.

Contemporary Garden Design

Just what is contemporary garden design? The simple answer is – it can be anything you want it to be.

A contemporary garden, on the surface, looks simple. But dig deeper, and you’ll see that, as an elegant swan, there is a lot happening beneath.

Everything comes together and yet, the elements of contemporary garden design shouldn’t, in theory, work. This is because an expert and experienced designer understands how to bring these elements together, softening the edges so that the design flows.

The key to a successful design of this style is to add plenty of individualism and personality. Just like you ‘put your stamp’ on the interior of your home, you’ll do the same in the outdoor space.

No matter how big or small the garden, when interior design dovetails with garden design, the results are truly wonderful.

Create hidden seating areas, flanked by clusters of tropical plants, with red-hot colours or cool shades (or a mix). Push back against the rulebook by opting for curves and straight lines, with complex and simple planting.

Contemporary garden design is classic and timeless. As the season change and life in the garden ebbs and flows in tandem, the style remains fluid. And when you feel the time is right to make a change, you can do so knowing that you have the perfect contemporary styled backdrop to embrace change.

Our team collaborates with you every step of the way, from initial discussions of your garden design ideas to a schedule of works, choice of plants and materials so that your garden is the stylish and functional space you want it to be. Browse our portfolio of contemporary gardens, be inspired and then get in touch.

Water Garden Design

Water brings so much to the garden. It is essential for maintaining strong growth in plants, from watering your veggie plot to giving blooms the moisture they need to unfurl in the summer sun.

Water in the garden is not just about watering plants, however, and our water garden design takes full advantage of these.

Water attracts wildlife, especially running water. Birds bathe and drink from fountains, a joy to watch, and water also attracts a veritable delight of insects and bugs. Water-borne insects help to clean the water of pollutants, and ponds and waterfalls are also attractive to dragonflies and mayflies. Water plants are also attractive to insects and bugs too.

Running water, the gentle, melodic trickle of a waterfall or fountain, is good for the soul. It encourages your ear to focus on this pleasant sound, pushing traffic noise and other everyday noises to the background.

And water, as an element in the garden, is good for your soul. The inclusion of water features heavily in Feng Shui designed gardens too. Flowing water is believed to bring wealth but water leaking away will empty your pockets.

This is why, as well as for all the other reasons mentioned, you need an experienced team working on your water garden design. From your initial idea to the final product, we work with you throughout the entire process. From experience, we know that by doing so, we have a happy customer at the end of it all.

And so, whether you want a water feature as part of your current garden or a complete re-build, our water garden design experts are here to make your dreams into a reality.


40 Bloomsbury Way

Lower Ground Floor

London, WC1A 2SE

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